Previous medical history questionnaire, general health (weight,height,BP, pulse) Audio, Lung function, MSK, Skin, HAV's, health surveillance
Weight, Height, BMI, BP, Pulse & Urinalysis (10 trace - Leukocytes, Nitrite, Urobilinogen, Protein, PH, Blood, Specific Gravity, Ketones, Bilirubin & Glucose) health surveillance
Paperbased - health surveillance
Service Carried out by an Occupational Nurse - management referral
Service carried out by an Occupational Physician - management referral
Depending on the severity this may be carried out by an OHA or OHP - management referral
Mental Health
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Behavioural activation
Interpersonal therapy (IPT)
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Couple therapy
Service Carried out by an Occupational Health Technician - health surveillance
Service Carried out by an Occupational Health Technician
Service Carried out by an Laboratory professionals
Results received in 48-72 hours